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A bogus, back-alley butt doctor whose handiwork resulted in the death of a Harlem mom used a Manhattan Dunkin' Donuts as his waiting room, a lawyer for the victim’s family said Tuesday. Patients getting work done in the “doctor’s” phony medical office in Gramercy Park would wait at a nearby doughnut shop, where a “nurse” would meet them and escort them to the apartment for their silicone injection sessions. “These phony doctors prey on unsuspecting women, promising that they will make them look like Kim Kardashian and other desirable celebrities,” the attorney, Jack Yankowitz, said in a statement.
Jack Yankowitz, el abogado de la familia, comentó que Bynum fue llevada en camilla a Mount Sinai St. Luke's en coma. El abogado dijo que planea demandar al llamado "Butt Doctor" por un billón de dólares, una cifra que busca llamar la atención sobre la "horrible epidemia", expresó. Yankowitz expresó que las mujeres "impresionables", que carecen de los medios financieros para buscar atención médica adecuada, son atraídas por clínicas clandestinas que terminan por inyectarles “veneno de silicona".
Yankowitz says he intends to sue the so-called "Butt Doctor" for $1 billion -- a figure intended to bring attention to the "horrifying epidemic." The lawyer says "impressionable" women who lack the financial means to seek proper medical care are lured in by black-market practitioners who inject "silicone poison."
The family's lawyer, Jack Yankowitz, questioned whether the person who performed the procedure was licensed to do so.
'This is some sort of underground type of procedure - this is not something that's done by professional doctors,' he said.
He declined to comment further until he had spoken to police.
En un intento por parecerse a Kim Kardashian y conseguir su prominente trasero, la neoyorquina decidió acudir al mercado negro para inyectarse una sustancia que, según le dijeron, aumentaría el tamaño de sus nalgas. Dicho procedimiento, sin embargo, terminó siendo una trampa mortal que acabó con su vida el pasado viernes.
As the investigation into her untimely death continues, the family's lawyer, Jack Yankowitz, said the injection was given to Latesha by someone “representing himself as a doctor.” “This is some sort of underground type of procedure — this is not something that’s done by professional doctors,” he said, adding that the family is awaiting more information from police and the Manhattan district attorney’s office.
A mom of two died of toxic butt implants, her family says. Latesha Bynum of Harlem, New York went to a Manhattan doctor for butt implants on July 15, and became fatally sick soon after. After 12 days, Latesha’s family decided to take her off of life support on Thursday, and she died shortly after. She leaves behind two daughters, ages 13 and 8.
She died on July 27, three days before her 32nd birthday, according to attorney Jack Yankowitz, who says he's known and represented the woman's family for more than 15 years. Yankowitz says he intends to sue the so-called "Butt Doctor" for $1 billion -- a figure intended to bring attention to the "horrifying epidemic."
This is terrible! A New York mother of two recently became fatally ill after getting butt implants — and now an investigation is underway to figure out what went wrong!
According to CBS NY, 31-year-old Latesha Bynum received the injections from a building the Kips Bay neighborhood — which appears to be strictly residential.
Latesha Bynum, 31, received the injections on July 15 from a person “representing himself as a doctor,” according to Bynum’s family lawyer, Jack Yankowitz. “This is some sort of underground type of procedure — this is not something that’s done by professional doctors,” he said.
The duo, who filed the papers Thursday in Manhattan Supreme Court, also accused three security guards — Carlos Cline, Jimmy Valentine and Frederick Garrido — of holding them hostage. “They were a couple of old friends who decided to have a drink at a place that advertises as a gentlemen’s club, but there were no gentleman there,” attorney Jack Yankowitz, who filed the suit, told The Post.
Friedman called the cops in hopes of getting help, Yankowitz said. But the officers who came to the scene believed the club's account — even though they had access to security camera footage that would have cleared them, court papers maintain. Zurita and Friedman faced robbery charges. The Manhattan District Attorney's Office dropped the charges in April — after reviewing video footage, Yankowitz said.
“It’s as if (the residents) are forgotten people,” said Jack Yankowitz, the attorney representing the boy’s mother, Aricka McClinton. Her Brooklyn state court lawsuit seeks unspecified damages; a first-step legal document filed last summer sought $281 million.
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — The mother of a 6-year-old boy who was stabbed to death in a public housing elevator in East New York, Brooklyn last year is filing a lawsuit against the City of New York.
The mother of a 6-year-old boy who was stabbed to death in the elevator of a Brooklyn housing project has filed a $200 million lawsuit against the city. “This was a horrible tragedy and an outrage that didn’t have to happen,” said McClinton’s lawyer, Jack Yankowitz.
NEW YORK – The mother of a 6-year-old boy who was stabbed to death in a public housing elevator is suing New York City. She says officials carelessly left a long-broken front door unfixed and surveillance cameras uninstalled.
"It's as if (the residents) are forgotten people," said Jack Yankowitz, the attorney representing the boy's mother, Aricka McClinton. Her Brooklyn state court lawsuit seeks unspecified damages; a first-step legal document filed last summer sought $281 million.
The mother of a 6-year-old boy fatally stabbed in the elevator of a New York City public housing complex has filed a $281 million claim against the city, her lawyer said on Thursday. “The NYCHA and City of New York are responsible for the horrifying and brutal attack, stabbing and death of 6-year-old P.J. Avitto,” Yankowitz said.
The family of a little boy stabbed to death in a public housing complex has filed a lawsuit against NYCHA and the city for $281 million. The family's attorney said in a statement, "NYCHA and City of New York are the owners and the landlords of the Boulevard Houses. They owed 6-year-old PJ Avitto the same security and protection that Donald Trump would provide to the residents of his buildings."
The New York City Housing Authority was hit with a $281 million lawsuit over alleged security shortcomings after a six-year-old boy was killed in an East New York housing complex.
EXCLUSIVE: P.J. Avitto was stabbed to death by a paranoid-schizophrenic parolee on June 1. Now the family wants NYCHA — with its broken promises to install cameras and other protections — to be held accountable. The court papers specifically asked for $27 million on each of three wrongful death counts as a message to NYCHA, said family attorney Jack Yankowitz. The $81 million comes on top of an additional $200 million requested in the document.
The family of a 6-year-old boy stabbed to death in a Brooklyn elevator plans a $281 million lawsuit against NYCHA, blaming his horrific murder on its shoddy security. The court papers blame NYCHA for sitting on millions of dollars for security cameras, for eliminating tenant safety patrols, and for persistently failing to fix broken doors. "They permitted and allowed the front doors of 845 Schenck Avenue to be defective, to be unsafe, easily opened by intruders," said Jack Yankowitz, the family's attorney.
The family of a 6-year-old boy stabbed to death in a Brooklyn elevator plans a $281 million lawsuit against NYCHA, blaming his horrific murder on its shoddy security.
The mother of P.J. Avitto, in a notice of claim filed Wednesday, ripped callous and incompetent Housing Authority officials as responsible for her son’s June 1 death.
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. -- Reigning Miss Westchester Kristy Abreu is accusing New York City police officers of stripping her of her pageant crown and sash, subjecting her to an "extremely invasive frisk and search" and mistreating her and her mother during a traffic stop in May.
La familia dice que hace la denuncia porque lo que les ocurrió está pasando todos los días en las calles de Harlem. Sólo el año pasado, más de 6 mil 500 choferes han sido detenidos, el número de arrestos más alto en toda la ciudad. “Es una cultura de abuso e intimidación policial y ocurre en zonas donde viven las minorías” asegura Jack Yankowitz, abogado de Kristy.
CBS) YONKERS, N.Y. - A 19-year-old woman from Westchester, N.Y. and her mother intend to sue the NYPD over alleged rough treatment in a May arrest, according to the New York Daily News.
Miss Westchester Says She Was Arrested With Mother Over Misunderstanding. Abreu said she was stopped last year and officers said her car came up stolen because of a “computer glitch.” She tried to explain it was a mistake. “They treated them like hardened criminals,” said attorney Jack Yankowitz. “They stopped two law-abiding, fine women — very sweet people — who have committed absolutely no crime, did not resist arrest.”
A teenage beauty queen is suing police for $210 million (£140 million) over claims officers roughed her up, humiliated her and allowed a prisoner to spit on her after she was wrongfully arrested.
Other Press
NEW YORK – The family of a 6-year-old New York City boy stabbed to death in a public housing elevator has notified the city that it is planning a $281 million lawsuit.
The crime may have been prevented if cameras and locks were properly installed in the Boulevard Houses, says P.J.’s father, Nicholas Avitto. And to add insult to injury, in the week’s following P.J.’s death, it was revealed that NYCHA has been sitting on $27 million dollars specifically set aside for camera installation for a number of years and is only now putting the funds to use. In response, attorney Jack Yankowitz is asking for $27 million per wrongful death named in the case plus an additional $200 million.
The family of a 6-year-old boy stabbed to death in a Brooklyn elevator plans a $281 million lawsuit against NYCHA, blaming his murder on its shoddy security. The court papers specifically asked for $27 million on each of three wrongful death counts as a message to NYCHA, said family attorney Jack Yankowitz. The $81 million comes on top of an additional $200 million requested in the document.
NEW YORK (AP) — The family of a 6-year-old New York City boy stabbed to death in a public housing elevator has notified the city that it is planning a $281 million lawsuit.
According to pageant winner Abreu, NYPD pulled her and her mom over on their way to her next event. What was thought to be a basic traffic stop turned into a nightmare for the two ladies.
A teenage Westchester beauty queen is suing the NYPD for badly mistreating her and her mother during a stop in Harlem. “We were treated like animals,” Kristy Abreu, the reigning Miss Westchester USA, told the Daily News about the incident. “It was the worst night of my life. It haunts me every day."
The police roughed them up, locked them in a holding cell, laughed at them and permitted a fellow prisoner to taunt them with names and spit on them, reigning Miss Westchester old Kristy Abreu and her mom say. Now, they tell New York City officials, they intend to sue for $210 million over their treatment.
“Where’s the party at?”
That’s how a cop addressed 19-year-old beauty queen Kristy Abreu and her mother after pulling them over last May in Harlem. A supposed computer glitch led cops they were driving a stolen car. What happened next was “the worst night of her life.”
Kristy Abreu, the 2013 Miss Westchester beauty queen, is suing the NYPD for $210 million after a wrongful arrest and humiliation during holding.
A teenage beauty queen who claims police roughed her up, humiliated her and allowed a prisoner to spit on her after being wrongfully arrested is suing the NYPD for $210million. Reigning Miss Westchester, 19-year-old Kristy Abreu, claims she and her mother were tormented for hours by up to 20 officers after they were mistakenly pulled over on suspicion of driving a stolen car because of a ‘computer glitch’.
A teenage beauty queen says NYPD cops acted like pigs when they stopped, frisked and handcuffed her.
Male officers yanked 19-year-old Kristy Abreu — the reigning Miss Westchester — and her mother from their car in Harlem and tormented them for hours before releasing the pair, say the women, who were never charged with any crime.
Bronx police arrested a 7-year-old boy, put him in handcuffs and held him in custody for 10 hours after a playground fight over $5, according to a $250 million claim brought by the child’s family against the city and the NYPD. “It’s unfathomable, what the police did. The whole thing sounds so stupid. They were interrogating him like he was a hardened criminal,” said Mendez’s attorney, Jack Yanowitz.
A fight over $5 between Bronx school children escalated to the point where the police were called and a seven-year-old boy was arrested, handcuffed, and kept in custody for 10 hours, according to the child's family, who is threatening to sue the city for $250 million.

“These phony doctors prey on unsuspecting women, promising that they will make them look like Kim Kardashian and other desirable celebrities,” Yankowitz said in a statement. “Instead, these women end up with gross, debilitating deformities, amputations and, in the worst cases, death.” Bynum’s family have already filed a $1 billion lawsuit against the suspect, according to Yankowitz.